
General Blood Tests

Full Spectrum, Thyroid, Male Hormone, Advanced Male, Female Hormone, Advanced Female

Functional Blood Tests

NutrEval, Mould, Toxic Heavy Metals, GI Map, Cyrex Array 10 Food Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Array 11 Chemical Immune, Cyrex 12 Pathogen Immune, Genetic Athlete Test, Genetic Methylation Test, Genetic Nutrient Core Requirements

General Blood Tests

Full Spectrum




Male Hormone


Advanced Male


Female Hormone


Advanced Female


Sauna / Ice Bath session packages -  1 Person (45 mins)

3 sessions


5 sessions


10 sessions


Sauna / Ice Bath session packages -  1 Person (Any Length)

3 sessions


5 sessions


10 sessions


Sauna / Ice Bath session packages -  2 Person (Any Length)

3 sessions


5 sessions


10 sessions


Functional Blood Tests



Mould (Mycotoxins)


Toxic Heavy Metals


GI Map


Cyrex Array 10 Food Reactivity Screen


Cyrex Array 11 Chemical Immune


Cyrex 12 Pathogen Immune


Genetic Athlete Test


Genetic Methylation Test


Genetic Nutrient Core Requirements


Functional Medicine

Holon partners with Aaro, a leading functional medicine clinic, to provide virtual consultations for clients looking to get to the root of their health issues. Aaro specialises in chronic complex conditions, autoimmunity and toxin load. Aaro's doctor will suggest a treatment protocol that includes diet, supplement and lifestyle interventions as well as further diagnostics and technologies that can be used in Holon.

We strongly recommend pairing any blood tests with a consultation.

*Price for initial consultation



Single Sessions

Sauna / Ice Bath

1 person (45 mins)


1 person (60 mins)‍


1 person (90 mins)‍


2 person (45 mins)


2 person (60 mins)‍


2 person (90 mins)‍


3 person (60 mins)


3 person (90 mins)


Hyperbaric Oxygen


Red Light






Compression Boots


Virtual Reality




Yoga (1 to 1)


Health Consultation (90 mins)




8x Sauna/Ice Bath
10x PEMF
10x Red Light
10x Compression Boots



20x HBOT
20x Vielight



1x Health Consultation
20x HBOT
20x PEMF
20x Red Light



Bronze Membership

4x Sauna/Ice Bath
12x Tech Sessions
25% off HBOT

£295 per month

Silver Membership

8x Sauna/Ice Bath
16x Tech Sessions (includes HBOT)

£495 per month

Gold Membership

Unlimited Services
2x Health Consultations per year
2x Full Spectrum Blood Tests per year

£995 per month


Sauna / Ice Bath Packages

1 Person (45 mins)

3 sessions


5 sessions


10 sessions


1 Person (Any Length)

3 sessions


5 sessions


10 sessions


2 Person (Any Length)

3 sessions


5 sessions


10 sessions


Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBOT)

5 sessions


10 sessions


20 sessions


40 sessions


Tech Sessions

(Red light, PEMF, Compression, Vielight, Virtual Reality)

5 sessions


10 sessions


25 sessions


Yoga / Breathwork

5 sessions


10 sessions


5 sessions (1 to 1)


Blood Tests

Full Spectrum


Full blood count, liver, kidney, thyroid, sex hormones, lipids, glucose, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron panel, CRP (56 biomarkers)

Male Hormone


Testosterone, Oestradiol, FSH, LH, Prolactin, SHBG, Albumin, DHEA, Free Testosterone

Female Hormone


Oestradiol, FSH, LH, Testosterone, Prolactin, SHBG, TSH, Free Thyroxine

Functional Medicine

If you would like a functional medicine consultation or access to our advanced blood panels, please email us or speak to a member of staff